One of the nursery gardens I go to sells these super cute miniature chickens... and I really want one. 8(
But I don't live in a place where farm animals are not allowed, so I'll just own one in my imagination.
They're so cute...
They'd eat pests from my garden... >__>

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Loving these Azaleas by
Azaleas, 2019, inlaid cut paper on panel, 50.5x40 in. I won't say this is the last one from the Elizabeth Lawrence House and Garden...just the last for now. Thank you again for all the help.

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Botanical illustration and the park: Afbeeldingen der fraaiste, meest uitheemsche boomen en JK Krauss, 1802.....BHL/Missouri Botanical Garden......

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Sana nakakain na kayo 😅

Doing a personal kalat project with Siege Malvar (author). It's your modern Meteor Garden... with a twist!! 😆✨

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"Such a beautiful garden... but these damn insects..."

I`m kinda proud of the rendering. But it needs much time ;__;
The second one was the first draft. I thought it would be interesting to see :D

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quizas algunos notaran que estaba subiendo comisiones terminadas practicamente a diario y ultimamente no, pues esta comision me llevo mas de lo que pense
este pana esta trabajando en un videojuego de violet evergarden... GRACIAS POR TU APOYO

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Botanical illustration and the park: Spicilegium Neilgherrense, or, a selection of Neilgherry plants : drawn and coloured from nature, with brief descriptions of each, R Wight, 1846-51, BHL/Missouri Botanical Garden........

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【Hoichi the Earless (耳なし芳一)】
"Hoichi, left alone in the temple, sought refuge from the heat on the verandah overlooking the small back garden..."
[Japanese Art Culture No. 170 (Ⅰ)]


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"...I can't believe that worked.

Anyway, this garden...Aniki, you know a lot about flowers, right?"

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Botanical illustration and the park: Flore pittoresque et me´dicale des M E Descourtilz.......1829, BHL/NY Botanical Garden..........

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I drew lily's mom from lily's garden....I can't explain why 😔✌❤

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Here in the garden...

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Botanical illustration and the park: Sämmtliche Giftgewächse Deutschlands : naturgetreu dargestellt und all gemein fasslich beschrieben, by Eduard Winkler, 1831....BHL/New York Botanical Garden........

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What a gorgeous garden... Who can be the owner? Maybe he has a link with this statue in the center?
Another Environment for my school game. Hope you enjoy it ^^

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Good morning you lovely lot!
It’s another glorious morning here in deepest mid Bedfordshire, but I think it’s the last one for a while...
There’s coffee and toast, and I’ll be dancing in the garden...
Bluetooth hearing aids are the perfect silent disco

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Botanical illustration and the park: Reichenbachia :Orchids illustrated and described, by F Sander, 1888-1890, BHL/Missouri Botanical Garden........

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"After his death, Zero invited me to the garden...I asked him a few questions, and then he shot himself.

And then, suddenly, I was standing in front of Mikejima-sama like nothing had ever happened."

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