Made my Fatui OCs that I've been planning on cosplaying ☺️ More like while creating the cosplays I came up with OCs 🤔 That kinda got their stories from tiktok audios I have saved 😹😅

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"Traveler, we meet again!"

Venti🕊💚 - Genshin impact
(Cosplayer: Me)

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I didn’t think people would vote for this photo… OK, no I lied, I know you guys like to be stepped on 🦵

Pose inspired by 🙇🏻‍♀️

Cosplay from


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I am ✨finally✨ done with this. I edited the cosplay to highlight the makeup but here is cosplay vs art

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Day 19 of is an art-to-cosplay recreation of this Diluc art drawn by parvaillust~ i even tried replicating the details as best i could in their artstyle~

Go send em some support!

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Yo no se como no se me ocurrió antes editar el fondo a mis fotos de cosplay, a partir de ahora lo haremos mas 🤧

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It's beginig to look a lot like christmas 🎄✨

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Venti is a bit shy but wishes you a merry christmas .
Stay tuned for tomorrow .

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