Sometimes you need a with psionic talents to get the job done! Nim goes into Einian’s mind to snatch his spirit from the brink! 2 posts remain in THE VANGUARDIAN: Ch.2 - INTERVENTION! @

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Meet our nice lady & who is an important character in our rippin’, yarn, THE VANGUARDIAN! Ch.2: ‘INTERVENTION!’ is posting currently on Tuesdays @ Subscribe free at the site to

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the upcoming post of THE VANGUARDIAN: Ch.2 - INTERVENTION!, Nim meets some interesting people…in Einian’s mind! Posting Tu. @

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First, she saved his body.
Now, she needs to save his mind!
She may regret that!
THE VANGUARDIAN: Ch.2 - INTERVENTION! will slam into the ether soon @

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Some words about a certain & nice lady featured in THE VANGUARDIAN: Ch.2 - INTERVENTION! by creator, . Soon @

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THE VANGUARDIAN is well into an “intervention!” If you’re just getting aboard, for news, alerts & updates to posts! You’ll be able to read “THE V” to date, too!

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THE VANGUARDIAN: Ch.2 - INTERVENTION! is well underway @ Subscribe free at the site to read “The V” - to date! New page on Tu!

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THW VANGUARDIAN creator, , has a few words about Nim & before the next post of Ch.2: INTERVENTION! on Tu. @ for news, alerts, & 200-odd pgs. of our rippin’ yarns!

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DANGER Doodler, will have some words about Nim & in the days before the next post of THE VANGUARDIAN @

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She went into the abyss to save his body… Can she reach into the abyss to save his mind?!
THE VANGUARDIAN: Ch.2 - INTERVENTION! has hit the ether with a new page @ Subscribe free to

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New to DANGER? While you’re waiting for today’s post of THE VANGUARDIAN: Ch.2 - 'INTERVENTION!,’ subscribe free @ You’ll get alerts to “The V” & access to 200-odd pages of our to date!

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Tomorrow is DANGER Day with a new page posted of THE VANGUARDIAN: Ch.2 - INTERVENTION! Subscribe free @ & follow here for alerts!

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Nim is diving into the murky waters of our man’s mind! THE VANGUARDIAN: Ch.2 - INTERVENTION! is up with a new page @ Subscribe free &

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Nim needs to shed her “skin.” before she rescues Einian! Is she too late?! THE VANGUARDIAN: Ch.2 - INTERVENTION! is in the ether with a new page @ Subscribe free foralerts & updates.

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Canges need to happen to save her friend from himself! THE VANGuARDiAN: Ch.2 - INTERVENTION! will post a new page tomorrow @ Subscribe free &

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See what her cross-country, running & jumping about is leading her to…
THE VANGUARDIAN: Ch.2 - INTERVENTION! The 2nd chapter in Vol.1: Kings & Pawns. Read “The V” to date when you subscribe free to

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Dive into a rippin’ yarn! THE VANGUARDIAN: Ch.2 - INTERVENTION! posts each Tu. @ Subscribe free & Comics

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When you subscribe free to you’ll get access to all our rippin’ yarns to date up to the current post of THE VANGUARDIAN: Ch.2 - INTERVENTION!!

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We’re back for the reason that our man needs help…the horrible visions he is mired in! THE VANGUARDIAN: Ch.2 - INTERVENTION! is up with a new page @

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