
What a troublesome gal. She's super obsessed over Godzilla and will go to great lengths to get him to go out with her. She gets very jealous over absolutely anyone who has his attention, even if it's not a romantic one which it usually isn't anyway.

0 6

It's been one of those days for Mothra. The Larvae Twins have been sour all day. :c

Hopefully they'll calm down soon enough. ^^;

1 10

✦ Agent Mazilla ✦

Ready to kick criminal tail!

Just a random idea I had, what if secretly worked as an agent? ^ ^

1 9

What a noodle dragon she is! ☆

0 13

godzilla king of the monsters
but it's
godzilland king of the monsters

srry if I got the colors wrong

4 26

He’s big, cunning, and mean!
I’m thinking of having him be an older brother of Ghidorah. ^^

4 12

It's that time of the year again. ❄️
Even radioactive lizards get sick. 'n'

4 8


Moguera got a virus somehow! D:

Hopefully he’ll make it through, or someone will lend him a hand in removing it. ^^;

1 7

Hibachi from Dodonpachi in the Godzilland style! 'w'

Because... why not?

0 7

I’ve always thought about this for some reason…

1 8

Hohoho! It’s Santazilla!

Just kidding, Pazilla is dressed up as Santa Claus to strengthen the Christmas spirit in the kids. ‘w’

Happy Holidays!

2 8

Mothra Sr.

Mothra and Battra’s mother. ‘w’

Since she’s in her 40s, I guess you can say she’s going though a mid-life chrysalis but she has quite still a lot in her despite the worn looks.

2 11

Sledding kaiju pals! :3
Except Anguirus seems to be scared for his life. ^^;

1 9

Godzilland: 1984
Super Mario Bros: 1985

3 53

…in the style!

I know he ain’t a kaiju but who cares, he’s a fluffy boy! Although now that I think about it, there might be a chance he could be mistaken for Battra. ^^;

5 15

Have a strong radioactive momster. 'w'

2 9

Goji is having a bad day so far. Mothra is trying to help cheer him up. 'n'

5 18

King Caesar!
He is the king of floof.

2 7

Rodan’s at it again with stealing food.
Godzilla, I don’t think you’d want that apple back after it’s been in his mouth. o~o

3 8