Lawhn, rax, and borrun teamed up to make a track. The middle sweater looks like the cyraxx edition sweater. Reposting lawhns valentines day, and the gumpire who has frodo and gollum simpin for her.

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Feb 18, 3019, TA.

"The Fellowship of the Ring travels south down the Anduin. Gollum follows them on a log." [TG]

Please note this led to one of the most hilarious references with / Terry Pratchett and the Witches.

Picture credit: Anduin. HecticRed.

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Acquisition season continues - The Lord of the Rings: Gollum publisher Daedalic Entertainment has been bought by Nacon 👀🔥

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I’m redesigning LOTR in a Slavic setting for class! First up - Frodo, Sam, Galadriel, Gandalf, and Gollum!

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Gollum è probabilmente l'unico dei personaggi del Signore degli Anelli ad aver incontrato di persona Sauron, in quanto l'Oscuro Signore presenziò al suo interrogatorio a Barad-dûr.

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Tonight - Riddles in the Dark continues...adding a little colour to Gollum's cheeks. Btw I like to think those long years spent under the mountain have lent his hair a lovely dank and mouldy green hue 💀#Tolkien

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The new Blasé Gollum Ring Fellowship has minted.

Get yours.

By Commander Cringe Hammer--lord of junk culture, ruler of the ponzirati.


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somehow managed to make gollum cute. that's the magic of ai

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legolas greenleaf, aka the gollum-losing failson of the elvenking. but we love him anyway

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I think it's very rude of Kyle to run away screaming from Nurse Gollum on the eve of "Conjoined Twin Myslexia Awareness Week." He must have a very bad mother.

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Gollum de Valerio "Dreelrayk" Buonfantino (

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Hey Sup😉

Just bought this sick for my collection,🎉

"Dragon Gollum" (Ai Generated art )

By "brain__pudding" 👏

Check out their works on :


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Now that I am feeling more generous and less like Gollum, LOOK AT THIS BEAUTIFUL MASTERPIECE!!!! I commissioned this from and good gods did they deliver, I adore this so much 💞 So much thanks!! Please follow ying their art is so beautiful and amazing

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UPDATE: SOLD to who swooped this Eyeball Gollum 👁🔥 now has two of my eyeball creatures and is currently exploring the ... 🌍

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Et si Gollum avait finalement trouvé un autre précieux ??? 💍🟢
C'est la proposition que vous fait Manu'Art avec son dessin intitulé "Green Gollum" !

Dispo sur 😉⬇️⬇️⬇️

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¡Mi tesoro está perdido! ¡No! ¡Gollum, Gollum! ¿Qué es lo que tiene en sus asquerosos y pequeños bolsillos? Él lo robó. ¡Él lo robó!

🎨Sami Saramäki

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I took hard inspiration for this design from the classic Rankin-Bass Gollum and Dark Crystal Mystics. An odd combo, but it works!

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