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why the fuck did i feel so compelled to take screenshots of the GOM shoes ?? idk but here they are
🏀 No dia das bruxas a GOM teve a ideia de se vestir de personagem de filmes de terror e ir assustando todo mundo, e quem assustasse mais ganharia todos os doces. E quem venceu foi o Kuroko se vestindo de A Freira que numa hora aparecia num lugar e já tava no outro paradinho +
@PAKAPAKA___RJin だよね~💦私も3つ参加&企画元の抽選に当たっててSINで揃えるのめちゃくちゃ楽しみにしてたんだよ~😭💕
We just figured out there's so many GOM name's " Purple Paradise " 😝 Should we change our name or just remain the same as there's another GOM called Purple Paradise (they thought we're Masternim 🥺)
Anyway, more GO form & Ready Stock coming soon 🤭
Welcome to Pyu Pyu House!🌸
Collaboration work by @nicubii and @amojinph!
Pre-order period(GOMS): Feb 15 - April 9, 2021
Pre-order period(US INDVL): Feb 20 - April 9, 2021
Say hello to these 15cm dolls! 🐰🐻
#btsdoll #bts
@twintailkarin @CABAL27445069 @dospipi GOMの なさりん はリプがあったりして面白かったですね
🌼Shop is now open!
Pre-order deadline: 21 Feb
If you want to open a Group Order, you don't have to dm me, just fill in this form and follow @addigni_art for future GOM updates
GOM Form: https://t.co/QjkPg0gYEK
[#addigniShopUpdates] #btspin #btsfanart