저기요~잠깐 시간 돼요~

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Dalenni Gweithgareddau Rhad ac am Ddim! Wnaethoch chi fwynhau Gwiwerod Gwirion Bost / The Squirrels who Squabbled? Mae gennon ni ddalenni gweithgareddau gwych ichi eu rhannu â’ch gilydd.

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Hyvää juhannusta! / Happy midsummer! 💐☀️💐

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Kaunista ja ihanaa juhannusta kaikille 💚✨ Trevlig midsommar / happy Midsummer everyone! I made an older drawing into a small greeting card for the occasion 😘

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Happy I hope everyone has a great time, no matter how you celebrate. ❤️✨

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Hyvää juhannusta!

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Ukko Tammelantorilla tänään. Hyvää pienellä kirjoitettua juhannusta!

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Midsummer magic❤️💜🌼
According to Finnish folk magic, if it's Juhannus and you look into a body of water whilst not wearing any clothes, you'll see your future spouse...

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Have a sunny Midsummer! The Devs are off to celebrate the nightless night!
In Finland, Midsummer eve is time for love spells. Eleanna has collected seven flowers that she will place under her pillow to see “the one” in a dream.

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ah yes, my dnd oc hannus barbrous (as a younger man) and the original cast of scoobus doobus
they're so wholesome, surely nothing will ever come between this theatre troupe because they're such close friends :^)

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Yn chwilio am stori Gymraeg i’w rhannu â’ch plentyn 2-5 oed? Mae fersiynau sain o bob un o lyfrau Pori Drwy Stori i’w cael ar-lein yma: https://t.co/jpdHqncdbz

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[7 Monthversarry | Rinn-Hannu]

( ◜‿◝ )❤️ It's done!🌄

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Tua 500 miliwn o flynyddoedd yn ôl roedd uwch gyfandir anferth yn bodoli o’r enw Gondwana. Nes torri i ffwrdd, roedd Cymru yn rhan ohono.

Mae’n erthygl ‘Bydoedd Coll Gondwana’ yn rhannu mwy o fanylion amdano. Cliciwch ar y ddolen: https://t.co/ZGv5gg6pj7

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Mae odli a rhigymu’n hwyl i’r teulu cyfan! Peidiwch ag anghofio fod llwyth o rigymau I bawb! Os oes gennych blentyn 0-3 oed, mae gennym rigymau gwych y gallwch eu rhannu.

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💥 💥

La historia de finaliza cuando regresa al presente con una perspectiva nueva del pasado y la meta de recuperar el manto de Aunque deja atrás el pasado, tendrá que impulsarse cada vez máa rápido que nunca para hacerlo⚡

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