I know I shouldn't feel bad for not posting, but I feel bad for not posting anything, so here's an unfinished sketch of laughing angrily before he rips apart the guy who speared him. Angery.png

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This started as vent art, so it's bloody. Henny protecc. Henny attacc.

44 350

I went back and colored this sketch. Everything is so much brighter on my phone. Plz save me.

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How will Henroin react to such a statement? Waiting for your opinions, buns.~

18 89

Oh boy, it's with flowers and chocolates for whoever you ship him with. I will die before I finish any backgrounds, oh my fucking goodness. The bottle says "Expensive Booze".

38 267

I like to think Henroin is a reddish brown color. Also fuck his legs. He has four of them and they're so hard to draw.

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Made this guy to be Henroin's brother. His name is Match.

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and some henroin bc Spider Daddy™

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