Ice cold like the dark
Embraceable like the dark
Haunting like the dark

4 4

Mother of shadow
Alien mistress calling
Flesh to feed her pets.

4 8

Beneath their chilly
calm demeanor they plot hu-
manity's downfall.


4 6

She weaves raw power,
Conjured lines of truth and light:
True reality.

1 2

Shining star goddess,
She grasps the Sun, twists and cracks;
Such a pretty flare!

1 6

the magic matrix
fills her with power beyond
the ken of mortals

2 5

caught in the web of
the dreamcatcher, she smiles
and drifts into sleep

3 8

The Abyss floods her
senses, claiming her soul for
unnamable gods.

with a shout out to

4 7

Mother Moon beckons,
And we are helpless; For Her,
Women fly, men kill.

(art of

4 6

Once, our love was brief.
Now, we bask forever in
Nuclear afterglow

2 7

Your library book
Is overdue. I'll take your
Marked soul as payment!

1 1

"Always a bridesmaid..."
because this is hell.

3 6

Dear Miss Havisham...
broken heart, broken mind and
Death, her sole suitor

2 3

Blood drips from my walls
I don't want you to be here
You must leave. Get Out!!!

1 3

"What big eyes you have!"
"All the better to witness
Terrors yet to come."

4 3

Why so Serious?
It's just you versus me, Bats.
Let's have some real fun

1 2

Out in the corn fields
The Goddess of the Harvest
Took what she was due.

0 5

She says her prayers
Beneath an unseeing eye,
But something answers.

2 6

On the prowl again,
She stalks the boardwalk. She needs
A death before dawn.

1 1