Unikitty: Mr. Cutie? You were pushed around by not nice ponies before you met Rainbow Dash?? You never told me that!

Lachlan: I didn’t want you to worry.

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Unikitty adopt!! :3 💗🎀🌸🌈
The nostalgia is real 😿❤️‍🩹

You can offer:
Money ($5)
Robux (214) or more :3
Art (picky)

Offer more than one art piece if possible pls :3

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Yona: (walking and humming a song)

Unikitty: (jumps out from around a corner) Rah!

Yona: AAAAAHHH OH MY GAH!! (runs away Scooby-Doo style)

Unikitty: (giggling) I got her again!

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Unikitty: *notices everyone sitting in a circle with her* Are we…? 😃

Yona: Yep! *sitting next to her* Yona and friends share what we like about Lachlan with Unikitty!

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Unikitty: Really? Ohh, you’re just saying that so I’ll be happy!

Sandbar: No, we really mean it! Lachlan’s the coolest pup!

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In the meantime, wanna do a different story here?

During a weekend at the School of Friendship, Unikitty’s classmates would stay with her and talk about what THEY like about Lachlan so she won’t feel self conscious about her affection for him.

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Unikitty: *answers* Hello~? Princess Unikitty speaking!

Lachlan: *on the phone* Hi Unikitty! How’s my girlfriend~?

Unikitty: *excited breathless gasp*

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*the class cheers*

Smolder: Well Unikitty, I take back everything I said about your mom, she *is* cool!

Unikitty: *giggling* Wait, what were you saying about her?

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Unikitty: Careful Lachlan! She’s much smaller than her big brother!

Lachlan: You worry too much, I’m always careful. 😘

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Unikitty: Ohhh, you poor thing, what happened to you?

Outcast: I got scratched on my eye and… and that scary Chaos Council tore my left ear off. That’s why it’s all metal.

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Rebel Kitty: I’m Rebellion Unikitty, but you can call me Rebel Kitty for short, cutie~❤️

Lachlan: Aww! 🥰 Heheheh!

Unikitty: *intense jealous stare*

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Barely 5 years of Unikitty!

Series of Unikitty Illustrations I made for several hours Tuesday.

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This is the closest thing you'll get as a post from me.
without my phone I'm stuck with a mouse to draw with hence the awfulness of his drawing.

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Lachlan: Sweetie Belle the Shredder? *shudder* Sounds intimidating!

Unikitty: I know, right? I came up with it!

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The character in our fanart Unikitty Beau And Umbrella cursor pack is a square citizen of Unikingdom who debuted in the Kaiju Kitty episode of the Unikitty series.

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