Defending Sovereignty: An ILPS Commission 6 9 (Peasant Commission) Study Conference on China as a rising imperialist power.
October 26, 2019, 9am-4pm. UP College of Science New Auditorium.

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The Azen Empire. One of the 4 main 'free colony' Nations within the Free Colony Zone. Imperialistic, expansionistic, idealistic. Believe themselves a utopia though they're really not.
These guys:

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Mandatory ROTC will not solve our territorial dispute with China, nor the injustices in our society. Only through an anti-imperialist and anti-feudal orientation can we achieve genuine freedom and democracy.

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Today, July 22, we march not only against the US and China, our imperialist aggressors, but the macho-fascist neo-Aguinaldo President Duterte! Join us! Let us head to the streets!



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Japan decided that flags aren't good enough anymore and each nation needs a Dynasty Warriors Avatar instead.

I support this.

He's so dashing you'd almost forget we were one of the biggest imperialist nastys in the history of the world. Next years cosplay sorted tho.

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"When the US imperialists lash out with guns, we respond with a cannon!"

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Bueno, al panda algunos lo usamos como símbolo antiimperialista:

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100 years ago today: Chinese anti-imperialist student protests gave rise to the May Fourth Movement, expressing anger at the Treaty of Versailles--which gave Shandong to Japan--and disillusionment with traditional culture and the new Republic's failure to ward off imperialists.

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"Cubans are the imperialists in Venezuela!"

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If my RPG setting has its roots from an anti-imperialist platform that rejects the military, how would their militia do a salute? 🤔
The raised fist is a universal symbol of solidarity. I figured, they might use that for their salute. ✊

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News: Attack on Titan..

Me: oh great did it do more antisemitism & imperialist bs?

News: Attack on Titan editor arrested for murdering his wife


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If you want a cute werewolf shojo with a harsh imperialist plot, look no further than Beasts of Abigaile. Called Luga, they are a human-like race that can transform nearly into a wolf. The protagonist is bitten, grows ears and then must hide her human scent in a Luga school.

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"We cannot leave to our enemies yesterday and today the monopoly of thought, imagination and creativity" Thomas Sankara. ❤

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