
Iofi said, "I have never demonstrated my true power as an alien before.... From my point of view, mashing apples with my hands is a piece of cake."

4 28



Iofi『Hey! You're not busy tonight, are you? Let's go watch fireworks together!』

2 19

I don't know what I've done to these poor Idols...

0 7

kyaa kk guest star boleh foto bareng? makasih kak!! semangat ya live drawingnyaa!!

0 52

Sometimes this hands just want to create something that people don't want to see

6 46

and you know i just had to

1 18

And he just left me wondering until now. Well, prolly he's still busy and i just can't wait for the answer

0 12

Route A: Moona bribe Iofi with boba
Route B: Iofi interogate Moona on a certain "room"

2 12