# image dccomics burnout fairchild sixartfans huntress dc batman hush birdsofprey comic art sketch copics copicmarker april aprilfools harleyquinn joker comics comiccon cosplay costume movie movies tv amazing awesome artist manga anime artwork illustration art_line drawing inktober inktober2018 ink sketchbook inkwork lineworks draw artistic_share minimalism instartist_ white procreate ipadpro fanart superman manofsteel clarkkent batmanhush zbrush beforeandafter artistgo quadrinoschile cursos talleres dibujo clases santiago chile marvel xmen sakura setmanga arquipunto sakuracolorproducts zannah zealot wildcats wildstorm atoz digitalart comicbookart comicbookartist artistontwitter comicbooks comicartist showcase cgccomics cgcmarvellabels dcuniverse torpedocomics wonderwoman comicgrading cgc dcu comicsart colors wonderwoman1984 dcfcfans ufc245 fighter alexross mangaart imagecomics toddmcfarlane solar beauty beautiful blackadam therock shazam captainmarvel rock dwaynejohnson ifyousmellwhattherockiscooking takahan takaverse funko justiceleague supermanunchained mutant sideshowartprints uncannyxmen alexgarner azrael darkknight brucewayne chibi kawaii dope lit nerd geek comicart funkopop vector instaart assemblyapp superheroes batman1989 pixiteapps ironfist iamironfist ironfistat45 immortalironfist dannyrand livingweapon batman80 batmanday marvelcomics marvelsuperheroes dcsuperheroes marvelheroes dcheroes heroes scottwilliams thomasmason stylechallenge jackkirby newgods fourthworld edmcguinness mikeallred frankquitely pixar rickandmorty thesimpsons invaderzim bobsburgers theventurebrothers needhamcomics archer conceptart characterdesign

I kinda dig this piece that I did for Wildstorm. The original art is available at the comic art shop, but this one is a bit pricey. https://t.co/DkRuomAM8p

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Second sketch—Huntress! Probably taking too long with these but having fun playing around with markers again..

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Just some Jim Lee Wildstorm art for your viewing pleasure.

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Colored this line art I found that was drawn by and re-inked by Trucas on

Happy Thanksgiving peoples

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silence quand je vois ça je relis tout! purement stylé ;) c'est ce qui me freine tjr sur the dark knight returns l'histoire est géniale mais les dessins à l'esthétique un peu boursouflé me bloque un peu...

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quelques oeuvres dessinées par notamment le tome 1, 2 et un de mes préféré le tome 8 avec le virus d'Amazo une excellente utilisation de ce perso et c'était pas forcément gagné ;)

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l'esthétique des dessins de dès que j'en vois faut que je lise c'est vrmt trop beau!
quelques unes de ses oeuvres
sup mène une enquête sur un surhomme ayant commis un crime

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and human heroes put aside their differences to work together in the Uncanny Fine Art Print by Alex Garner after available for pre-order Nov 15!

Enter for a chance to win one at https://t.co/6TzirAh0KM!

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pencils by Jim Lee
inks by Scott Williams
colors by Thomas Mason

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