DEATH BATTLE! Jorgen VS T-Series

12 110

DEATH BATTLE! Jorgen VS Banjo & Kazooie

5 43

OOC: Noir commission for , featuring his characters Jorgen and Jumeirah as their noir detective AU versions! :D Kenny seems like he has sinister motives, but it's okay---he just enjoys the theatrics XD

7 51

DEATH BATTLE! Ed & Captain Crunch VS Jorgen & Pokémon Trainer

688 3423

Hello, fam.

Recently made a new twitter. Wanted to start new and continue my journey in the SW's verse. If you know anyone who loves creating Star Wars content, please add them below!

May the Force forever serve us.

[Korriban cuz Korriban]
Art by: Arnie Jorgensen

2 5

DEATH BATTLE! Goomba VS Pianta VS Shulk VS Jorgen

4 32

DEATH BATTLE! Calliou VS Jorgen

79 558

DEATH BATTLE! Jorgen VS Incineroar

8 71

Download three new activities for your family on our page. Our booklet includes printable coloring pages, shape cut-outs, and fun drawing exercises inspired by the Jorgensen exhibit.

0 0

K31 / 43:Krag-Jorgensenのコンパチ。弾速は150m/s遅いが、代わりにこっちは可変式スコープを搭載しているぞ!おっそうだな。専門技能も無閃光火薬というユニークなものを持っている。弾速や倍率的にも近~中距離で可変式で遊びたい人向け。

9 30

DEATH BATTLE! Obunga VS Ken VS Kyle O'Reilly VS Jorgen

8 79

DEATH BATTLE! Jorgen VS Yandere Dev

59 507

Today’s illustration is for my D&D campaign. First time I’ve ever DM’d and we’re having fun. Drew the most important NPCs the party has encountered so far: Sir Gawain Rothschild, King Ernst Jorgensen III, and Yomezoof the Sane.

5 4

DEATH BATTLE! Jorgen VS Olimar

3 35

DEATH BATTLE! Daisy VS Red Ranger VS Jorgen VS Creeper

1 66

Download three new activities for your family on our page. Our booklet includes printable coloring pages, shape cut-outs, and fun drawing exercises inspired by the Jorgensen exhibit.

0 1

DEATH BATTLE! Po & Jorgen VS Joe Gatto & Dr. Mario

3 67