“Now from the 6 hour there was darkness over all the land unto the 9 hour.” "Except ye be CONVERTED (6 to 9), and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven" YT

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Why is there a DEAD SHEEP w/it's tongue sticking out on the face of a Raptor? Clever Girl... Know what this world really is all about. "Arise o' SLEEPER wake UP from the DEAD & Christ shall give thee life" YouTube

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"Woe to the rebellious children, saith the Lord... that Cover with a COVERING, but not of my spirit, that they may add sin to sin: That walk to go down into Egypt" YT Watch... https://t.co/mLqfN4OtJr feed...

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"Thus saith the Lord; Cursed be the man that trusteth in man, and maketh flesh his arm, and whose heart departeth from the Lord" Why is Jere 17:5 painted in the Sistine chapel? YT

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What does the Word, the Sistine Chapel, & a Scion commercial have in common? "Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image (Idols), or any likeness (H8544-Phantom or Specifically Embodiment Species)" Exodus 20:4 YT we're not supposed to be here

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"Neither shall ye TOUCH IT, lest ye die" The has always been right in front of you. YT

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Why does H.R. Geiger have artwork w/a sheep with it's tongue sticking out? Why is it the same as the virgin Mary and a 1300 B.C. Hieroglyph? Know the YT

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Why is there an angel wearing a suit of skin in Michelangelo's Sistine Chapel? Why is it the same as a Scion commercial? Why is there a perfume called Mortal Skin w/a serpent wearing a crown? YT

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"From the 6th hour there was darkness over all the land unto the 9th" "Surely YOUR turning of things UPSIDE DOWN shall be esteemed as the Potter's clay" YT

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"Having abolished in his flesh the enmity...for to make in himself of twain (TWO), ONE new man, so making peace" YouTube

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Michelangelo's Sistine Chapel has an angel holding a suit of skin. Why is it the same as a Scion commercial and a perfume? Why does the Targum which predates the Bible say the SAME thing as Gen 3, "Unto Adam & to his wife did the Lord God make coats of skins"

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From the infamous Michelangelo... Well, that's just creepy as you know what! If you have the eyes, it's all in there!
YT for the eyes to see!!!

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It's going to be a stacked 2 weeks for Anime News Network Connect! We have the Fall Anime Trailer Watch Party on the 22nd, the Fireside Chat with Shawne Kleckner on the 24th, and I'm happy to announce the Fireside Chat with
(hosted by ) on the 29th!

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I think it's pretty crazy that people dream of being superheros, or Thor, or other gods. I find it even more fascinating that said we are gods in John 10:34. He was quoting Psalm 82. YouTube

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This is an image that is typically inside of LDS meetinghouses worldwide. Explain to me what this is exactly, anyone? Hmm... YT https://t.co/kXh3f2HULT

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On the day of the crucifixion Jesus took the place for the son of the father, was crucified at the place of the skull -b- a repentant & unrepentant person. We are a kingdom divided. We are an angel & a demon. We all took part of the insurrection in Heaven! YT

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Zwei weitere Kätzchen betreten das Bild im Sinne Wassily Katzinskys

Das mit dem "monochrom" werde ich allerdings situativ hin und wieder aussetzen (paar Farbkleckser schaden auch nicht)


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Did you know the says, "They that are in the flesh (a human being) cannot please God," unless the Spirit of God dwells within you? If you're not born again, & converted, what are you? A superhuman angel/demon! Know the truth YT

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"From the sixth (6) hour there was darkness over all the land unto the ninth (9) hour.” "Surely YOUR turning of things UPSIDE DOWN shall be esteemed as the Potter's clay" Why are images DEAD SHEEP when turned UPSIDE DOWN? YT

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