Ramuda is a fucking Gay/Enby Icon and you can’t tell me I’m wrong. He doesn’t care about gender, he will make anything and wear anything and I feel like he doesn’t like labeling gender on himself. But he’s only interested in men.

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I want to walk through the most important shot in this game (and the screenshot it was based from):
So right off the bat: The Shopkeeper is reading The Once and Future King (T.H. White). The most immediate joke is that he is clearly Stephen King, so we’re labeling King as a King

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Why Twitter labeling Trump’s tweets as “potentially misleading” is a big step forward https://t.co/84rNb8P1vH

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I just picture Stella seeing Nyx as this incredible mage and kinda bugs her into letting her be her student. She definitely has the upmost respect for her . Although Stella got some heat for Nyx's actions in the past, people fearing magic and labeling Stella a threat

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Tifa is a fighting heroine spirit character and she deserved to be more love ❤❤❤ by everyone, so don't even think to label her as a prostitute and i hate it those who labeling her that way 😤😤😤

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Anyways. It's Ace Visibility Day. Cherboi's a confused queer mess that's given up on properly labeling themself, but I am absolutely on the ace spectrum, and so is our beloved Nilvertongue. Not gonna use the tag tho since I can't make a fancy new image, tho would if I could <:')

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I keep labeling myself. I don't know why..

Well, it does hurt, make me want to stab my chest so i didnt feel it anymore.

I kinda miss my cutter. I once search, how to kill myself without making my family sad. But i think it's no use.

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OOF... I wonder if I should begin labeling names vertically on the left side... ugh, rip muh aesthetics.

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Positivity is this year's mantra. Hopefully we're done with the rampant unapologetic misandry and labeling everyone a bigot for every triviality. is my guy.

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Name or number markings

Can't get more direct than labeling characters. While this is less immediatly noticable, it should be adequate for an attentive audience. This certainly has precedent in reality, likewise unit emblems or similarly low key markings are also welcome.

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My thanks to for catching my error, mislabeling St. Barbara Kutná Hora, Czech Republic vault (in 1 detail) for Annaberg. I got carried away with flowers ... here are the fabulous vaults of the correct church, inspiring those at Annaberg. 🙂

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Can’t sleep. Have you noticed recently how often people who hate being labeled have no trouble labeling others?

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I saw someone on Twitter try their hand at labeling US states from memory.
I initially only had 2 wrong, but my dumb ass went back and switched Arkansas/Mississippi and Massachusetts/Connecticut at the last minute

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Canada is ordering a bunch of medical grade disinfectants and products, which means we're out here relabeling stuff by hand because some numbnuts printed the info with a typo they won't accept and would ship back. just totalled everything up to about 50,000 rework units, so far.

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Cataloging my expenses for taxes this year and I'm glad I did such a thorough job labeling all my purchases.

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I've forgotten who some of these were for. I was pretty bad at labeling stuff back then...

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michael, knackered from too much labeling, taking a well deserved nap

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