Malakai Greymane on the left

Aethelwolf (alt) on the right.

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First appearing to Malakai as a CMYK nightmare cube, he's surely found his place among his brethren... all four of him!

Cyan has a curious personality, Magenta is passionate, Yellow is shy, Key is... well, he's Key.

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they’ve landed 😭

three stunning proofs going out VERY soon. I can’t wait for you all to meet Kiki, Aminah and Malakai ✨

Honey & Spice is coming!!

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PAC after he beats Malakai Black

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"You have to control it."
"How are you gonna be able to WALK, let alone work in the real world if you blow yourself up all the time?"
Roane's power is... inconvenient. Time to work it out!

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IF you're still doing them, here's my boy Malakai:)

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Of my main & alt ... sure :)

Chibi Malakai on the left (artwork by -

Chibi Aethelwolf on the right (artwork by -

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hello my name is alakai, im a 19 year old gay nb furry artist :D

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I feel as though Julia Hart will make a Surprise appearance Shocking Pillman and Griff if he's there costing him the match. Julia with now. Who we got for the TBS Championship and the Tag Titles??

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+ Malakai's wolf form (2/2)

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hello! im alakai im a 19 year old furry artist and i draw animals :) bark bark!

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malakai in most iterations, including the original: dressed fairly practically, maybe a little spicy, but fairly casual
malakai in this new interation: im hot and it's everyone else's problem

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I'm sure I left some out of this thread because i have way too many trolls.

Anyway, I have also a half troll half nelf, my lovely Sulakai, and her mom is a Dark troll.

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Unfinished pieces of Malakai I am prolly not going to finish but here you go anyway

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Updated Malakai Black digital drawing

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are we talking about ocs again- ask me questions about my boys. We got Malakai Florian, We got Connor De Launcet, and we got Griffin Lavellan aka: the brain rot trio

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