Told you I was working on my next gen, this third sketch was a bit like why not; just wanted to show the first-time dads/moms? and the lil' eggs💚

There'll be more kids btw👀

Not mpreg, but it's implied

5 40

When there’s trouble call DW!

Adding characters to my Launchpad McQuack practice piece 😊

9 31

DT/DW OTPs: 7 - Drake x Fen x Don x Launchpad

Yees😍Finally my favorite OTP!!

Just💕everywhere, I don't have much else to say🥰

25 118

I cant stop drawing these effing ducks rn I just adore them and they're rlly boosting my serotonin lol! Srsly tho, it feels good to fall in love with them all over again ^u^

0 11

So no one told me Drake shows up in the new Ducktales and I got to that episode while catching up and I'm 👏hype👏 Still boyfriends almost 30 years later Also this was first try with the new style!

0 12

Found a cute fluff promt list and its lead to ducktales fluffy shipping so starting off with these two otps of mine.

9 34

Launchpad is a Grade A Himbo and that's a fact! He deserves some formal wear so here you go~!
I also made sure he goes well with DW lol 😊

3 17

Made this a few months ago on tumblr and thought twitter needed this, too ahahahhahaaaaaaaa

7 14

The love is pouring out from everywhere. It's great to see, thank you . drew this up and I thought it was just ominous enough to have fun coloring.

4 21

Well, guess making a start on here with these two dorks...
Green shirt buddies 💚
Happy Delpad Day!

13 49