画質 高画質

more pics where mary is conveniently leaning towards the side with less swords making it look more like the wheel

1 29


291 2245

Sorry for being quiet, I appreciate everyone who takes time out of their day to even consider how I’m doing, truthfully. I hardly had time to sit today, been cleaning around the house.

I’ll be working on more debut prep / comms once I’m able to later this evening!!

1 122

man I had a lot of cleaning up to do on this even before adding weewa

12 183

今日! 24時 から!



【🔴ASMR】気持ちよく眠れる。耳かきとか耳マッサージとか Ear cleaning【夜ノすやり/個人勢/Vtuber】


27 118

Summer is coming to and end, and Rina's doing her autumn cleaning 📦📦

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i drew everything on one layer and cut from it, cleaning up the assets as i went ! it looks something like this, i could have definitely separated everything more thoughtfully haha

1 44

today i did some house stuff and stared on tabchan for the rest of time cuz i have no idea what to do after cleaning the house

0 27

An early idea for our heroine. Leaning towards pink, but I do like the fresh blue too. Might reserve the black for some skanky necromancer party member along the way.

0 22

I ended up cleaning the sketch up and trying to flesh out more of the design along with some random color scheme ideas. I should try and flesh out some of these color ideas.

8 76

“BLuE ArCHive” Cleaning&Clearing

blue archiveにBLEACHが含まれている事に気づいた時、世紀の大発見と思って嬉々として描き殴ったんですが、調べたら既に1年前から言及されてて泣きました。


11 79

If I fuck this up with cleaning I'll give up clean linework forever for real this time

3 47

All the requests were done on the same canvas

I'm close on taking more until I'm cleaning up my phone storage and finish all that left in the box

Thanks for requesting silly stuff

88 395

🐺🐶*grips my head* I'm leaning to A bc it has some navy blue for that Police-core and the brown for the german shepherd and the yellow pops

16 144

Phoebe wip I'll be cleaning up tonight 😌❤️

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