I have corrected the grave error that sunrise continues to make. When will they learn? https://t.co/sbnXMdOCjX

0 13

Amakusa really showing up three times on three different paid banners to try and convert me as if I don't got a lvl 100 Medb in my Thot Utopia and a lvl 90 Kiara in the JP one smh, when will this bitch LEARN???

10 30

So the new event Pikachu in Pokemon Go looks like they're going on a field trip and I just think that's neat.
What will they learn?🥺

3 10

Check out ‘When Will We Learn?’, our audio drama festival for young audiences. 🔉🎭

The three online plays featured are performed and produced by our second-year Theatre and Drama students. 👩

They are available to view between 14-20 December.


6 9

Enter to win Kamen Rider Hibiki Figure-Rise Standard hobby kit. To Enter:

✅ Follow us &
✅ Like & Share
✅ Tag a friend
✅ Do you play any instruments? if so, what kind? If not, what would you want to learn?

Check our IG & FB for an "Ultra" giveaway

155 382

Oh little boy, when will you learn?
You don't play with fire
Unless you wanna get burned~

1 8

Lilis Adventures in Procrastination continues! When will she learn?

1 1

Sparks, gets himself and Lantern the charmander into trouble. When will the little chu ever learn? Lantern and Belle the kirlia

4 25

When will these art thieves ever learn?

Are the art theives worse in Twitter than Deviantart?

0 5

Snippet of a commission... ah... what better way is there to learn?

0 20

New Release: Darth Vader Dark Heart of the Sith (Pt.5) by , Raffaele Ienco et al. from : "Vader's search for revenge against those who hid his son reaches a terrible climax – at the tomb of Padme Amidala! What secrets does he learn?"

0 18

Fc leader: What did we learn?
Me: ....Don’t touch the ruby weapon...
((her pics of my stupidity but I can’t stop laughing xD))

1 7

My my. Miles, will you even learn? With 's Scarlet~

Reward done by , who runs , a PMD comic with lewd adventures~

13 60

Tell me, what is it that you want to learn?

63 354

1/2 part commission for

Katalina's been stealing shiny things again. Will she ever learn?

2 23

I had a coffee and black tea with my medication.... I don’t feel so good
(When will I learn?)

265 4970

Want to learn? Take a seat and listen! This bird's the word on the ecosystem! 🦉✨

67 209