Spending a bit more time with those sunny Sydney rocks.

6 47

More rocks from the NSW south coast.

7 29

And playing with the lasso tool.

5 32

Back up to 10minutes to spend some more time with the sea. Mossy rocks on the south coast.

4 23

Last 5 minute study for this week, I feel like this was probably one of the more successful ones. Big sandstone cliffs along the Sydney coast.

6 63

This one worked a bit better under the 5minute timer, I think because the colours were already conveniently grouped! I'd still like to make it less blobby and think that might be about finding the right brush.

0 12

Another 5minute coast study. Still learning what to prioritise when working like this, they're kind of like a landscape gesture drawing.

2 17

Ahah, 5minutes is hard. Here's a smush of sunny Sydney seas.

0 15

Another 5minute ocean. The short timeframe forces me to be more confident with choices but uuh, it's a work in progress!

2 26

Decided to do some exercises that were more strictly 5 minute studies. Trying to get myself to think about simplifying and being more confident with my colour choices.
The next set are all coastal studies because I like the sea.

3 26

And one to properly exemplify the Blue Mountains name.

7 34

Hidden rock cliffs tucked away in the trees.

9 41

A little waterfall through the ferns.

9 38

This place was incredible with deep blue-green water coloured by the sediment from the limestone caves it flows through.

8 35

And back to the shadowy forest creek.

17 58

One from the Royal National Park, a drier kind of bush than the Blue Mountain valleys I've been painting.

6 29

Love these lush layered hills near the Jenolan Caves.

9 55