Are you a fan of literature? You will not want to miss our collection of resources on writers incl. Ursula K.Le Guin, H.P.Lovecraft, & more! Part of .

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What is a World Engine?
In creating World Engine, I drew upon the influence of a pantheon of great artists and imaginative minds: Zdzislaw Beksinki, H.R. Giger, and H.P. Lovecraft, among others. It took me a long time to recognize that we are largely the sum of our influences.

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Un aperçu du nouveau tirage d'art en édition limitée de issu des "Montagnes Hallucinés" de HP Lovecraft, dont la sortie est prévue demain ! A suivre...

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As tempted as I am to recommend 'Pulp Fiction' for your viewing tonight, the sticky, tentacular and generally nasty homage to all things Lovecraft, Carpenter and Fulci, 'The Void' is on the Horror Channel at 22:50. It's a love letter to 80's practical F/X. Recommended.
- Jamie

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🦑The Dunwich Horror🎨As discovered by Miguel Fliguer, Author of "Cooking with Lovecraft," great art by Joseph Diaz🦑#Lovecraftian

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Descubrimos gracias a esta maravillosa antología de cuentos de horror cósmico y poemas que es «La noche del océano», de Robert Barlow, albacea de la obra del mismísimo H.P. Lovecraft, de hecho algunos textos están escritos por ambos.

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🦑When you read Lovecraft, well...this often happens🎨Santiago Caruso🦑#Lovecraftian

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Literatura. é um Deus Polvo Alienígena que vive hibernando no fundo do mar, foi criado pelo escritor H.P. Lovecraft, pai da ficção científica.

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i had the absolute honor of making art of everyone's favorite squid, bsd lovecraft, for shoutout to my partner who helped me with the ideas for this piece! 🐙🐙🐙

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« Du fond de son tombeau à R’lyeh, Cthulhu rêve et attend.»
Lovecraft, 1926

Image : David Auden Nash

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10 mejores H.P. Adaptaciones de Lovecraft, clasificadas según IMDb - Todas las noticias del dia en

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I'm really trying to push sales via Etsy atm. It's the best way people can support me! Lot's of and stuff there!

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🦑If you're into Lovecraft, you got it "Made-in-the-Shade..."🎨"Drifting Shade - Magic The Gathering," by Tomasz Jędruszek (Morano)🦑#Lovecraftian

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My ARMS OCs! Pt 2

Real Name: Aletheia
Title: The Cosmic Eye

Inspired By: H.P. Lovecraft, Cult aesthetic, cosmic horror, eyes

Arms: Scrolls written in ancient texts, turn into tentacles when charged

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« Le temps qui passe est vraiment une des choses les plus déroutantes et fascinantes de l’expérience humaine. (...) Je pense que de tous les concepts m’incitant à prendre la plume, le mystère du temps est peut-être le plus puissant et persistant. »

H.P. Lovecraft, 1933

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Looking for some weekend reading? HP originator of the died on March 15th, 1937. Pulse-pounding action meets cosmic horror in this exciting short story anthology from the rising stars of the New Cthulhuiana:

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🦑Lovecraft, Providence R.I.? And Massachusetts forgotten seaside towns & lost valleys? My dear sir, the deadly denizens of the earth's dark corners don't always reside in them there zip codes🎨Juho Ham (Monsterinbox)🦑#Lovecraftian

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🦑🍴It sounds like Cthulhu needs some of the recipes from Miguel Fliguer's COOKING WITH LOVECRAFT, or the staff will serve Cthulhu...Literally!🎨drchrissy🦑🍴
🗣️Get Miguel's Book here>

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Been doing coms of the pufferfish meme lately uwu

the first is of my main sona, Baby
Then in order is Cassandra Lovecraft, Klace the husky, and Tessa's sona Sil

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