画質 高画質

We're hunting Majima for sport tonight so we can get S tier in Majima everywhere, come hang!

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POV: you are trying to have lunch at Smile Burger and you look out the window (Your name is Kiryu)

Majima commission for !! TYSM

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Yakuza 1 - 1, yaaaay!

It's time to see what trouble we can get into as Majima.

Link Below👇

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Lámina totalmente unexpected que realicé ayer en tan sólo unas horitas! 🙌🏻 Lleváis tiempo pidiéndome ilustración de y ya me apetecía hacer al loquillo de Majima 🕶️

Además lo llevaré a JW Bilbao! 🎏
Si os gusta se agradecen los RT~😉

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Highlight of the day -

Cosplayed as Majima, photographer got an idea for photo, photographer timed the camera and laid on the floor

I stepped on their back with dem heels

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tanimura , majima and daigo in the colours requested <3

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[ yakuza ] majima and kiryu if they were yuri

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Fr tho I love Goromi, and I don’t think that’ll ever be fully understood.

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おはよう。実は今年のバレンタインちいかわチョコの型が手に入らなかったらビックリマンチョコでも作ろうかと思ってたんよ!キラキラシールをプリントして真島吾朗好きの夫氏にあげようかなってw 作った原稿勿体無いからココ載せとく。可愛いやろ?他のキャラも集めたくなるねw

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GIMAさんが「4/1アップセットの告知画像あれオレを描いてくれてるねんけどタトゥーの所の下にちっさくめきしこちゃんって入ってない?」って言ってたので見直してみたら「MAJIME channel 」と見間違えてるwwって思ってたけどその更に下、私のインスタアカウント「mexiccochan」が微かに入って…る?

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We can take it outside, scuff up in the streetlights
I just really wanna fight with you

Man to man, hand to hand
One on one, friend to friend

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... I don't save many photos on my phone of characters... but the fact half of them is majima says something alright 👀 https://t.co/un1QHPonfu

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ok serizawa and mob are going to have to work overtime to undo the damage majima and reigen are doing https://t.co/1SzZA6rUj0

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