Drew a Nekomaru Nidai dakimakura. Don't feel like drawing his clothes, so here you go 😳

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Okeh bismillah

Assalamualaikum warahmatullah hiwabarokatuh...

Puji dan syukur kita panjatkan marena telah dilimpahkan rahmat dan marunia-Nya sehingga kita dapat hadir dan berkumpul disini untuk melihat Trey Clover.

Pada kesempatan kali ini saya akan menyampaikan pidato

1 9

this took so long to make but instagram quality cucked me so i'm posting here too

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"your fiery fighting almost wilted my rosy beauty, bud!" ⚡️🌹

4 14

The Record Store
An art trade with KonoMarunikoDa on Deviant art. I read in the bio of the character that shes a DJ so that's where the inspo came from. One of my favorite scenes I've drawn.

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Inspired by Iori's visit to the aquarium in KOFG... and a fun chat with Miss MiauNeko🤭.

*I had to include and there >///>🖤*

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