「 Merry Christmas 」




Happy Merry Christmas…と奏であう



Happy Merry Christmas


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「Happy Merry Christmas……??」


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On the first day of Yetimas…

17 42

Honestly a new desk chair would be nice for christmas…

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「merry Xmas…。」

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it’s beginnin to look a lot like bessmas…
can y’all believe it’s December again already?! i’m so excited!

tysm @/NNPS_KM_SONYA for usin yer wonderful talent on a lil cow like me and thank you to @/DirkAust for cowmmissionin said piece! ♥️
plz be sure to show your moo-pport!

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I’m planning to draw another deltarune comic for , this time about the accident. Hopefully I can finish it before Christmas…🫣

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It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas…

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It’s beginning to look a lot like Hexmas…

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hownto farm events in shinyimas….

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Adam dressed up for Nigel in honour of Christmas…
I fucking love Spacedogs
Enjoy this sketch I did, hopefully I actually finalise it at some point

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✨On the first day of KofiMas…✨
Promoting my little Kofi-shop!
Now for the month of December receive a mini holiday card with a cute doodle inside every order. ♡

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I see a lot of you adopting Kennel Clubs for Christmas… 🙌🏽

Just a friendly reminder from myself and P-Nut 💨 https://t.co/gAz0BTX7hQ

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CHRISTMAS… King and Collector!!

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do you think he will have a happy christmas….

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ククク……無事到着して良かったです!以前サプライズで死んでしまったので私もやってみたかったんですが準備楽しくて健康に過ごせました😘こちら空間も家具の配置もすべて狂っている原画になります Merry Xmas…🎄(はやすぎる)

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