Tries to be like organics and still doesn't understand them. And hell, they can be pretty messed sometimes. XD

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New coat for Zero. And another thing from an RP. ^^

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haha, Sirius and Zero will never really become friends. XD Hope you like it.

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Pretend to be dead and everything will be fine XD

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Mechari are literally immortal. That kinda sucks when all your friends are organic.

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Something RP story related, my friend Reylen and me were working on. Art is mine. ^^

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I didn't really feel like uploading this, since it's part of a fanfiction...

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Zero gave Rahibe one platinum for their tavern. She was so thankful that she didn't punch him. XD

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Old commission for Zeppelis from Tumblr. Lri and Xal are still one of my faves. 83

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