bro i am??? so tired and??? forget how to play cause i haven't touched the game in like 2 weeks??? help???

stream link incoming in a few................ min... zzz z z z zzzzz

3 6



3 19

About time, admin...

- from a lovely TakaHide Stan

0 5

Some baby of my fave mythical Pokemon!!!

2458 12332

pikmin... (i made the stems too long omg) ☂️

15 87

My friend doesn't know much about Pikmin...

4 35

y bueno, después de una llorada a Jimin....tengo tableta gráfica, la primera, esta linda, es la XP-PEN DECO 01 v2. Me esta costando un poco dibujar en la compu, ya lo probé en mi cel y es más fácil xd

0 4


5 36

Thanks to Hoseok, Jimin is able to have several disguises for his various professions. Hoseok claims Jimin has to pay him back by helping out at the store, but technically he makes the garments for Jimin...out of the kindness of his heart...😎

(Art by )

4 5


3 23

ummm yeah mirror rymin... chicken chrome judy

14 59

Oh lord she comin.....when she wakes up.....hmm...

0 1

Ini mungkin fanart trakhir...
Skedar ucapan BYE2 dari kami para dan buat kuluyuk smua...
Bakal ada yg mimin up d IG kuluyuk..
Nanti aq share juga link nya...

1 11

Wherever you bring Jimin.... he's always gorgeous 🤧😍

7 39

jimin... it was supposed to be him at least lol

0 1

oh lawd hes comin.........

0 3