画質 高画質

Dibujon del Felix! Lo hice en tecnica monocromatica y ya luego lo coloree... es la primera vez que dibjo asi :D

4 15

Finished up my redesigns ❤️ 🐞🐈‍⬛

5 19

Some miraculous ladybug fanart, almost done with season 1 but stormy weather is still the best girlie out of everyone, and yes I know I'm late to this wreck of a show shut up 😍

1 16


1 21

I did a little comic for 's French Abroad Student crossover AU, because it's fun to play with :3c

2 6

그림 안그린지 오래되서 손풀겸 캣워커 낙서
녹색꽁지머리 사 랑 해

21 44



82 501


107 707

Little kitty got tired of waiting for his Lady and found someone else to play with 💙🖤

150 2895

i’ve been watching this show since 2014

0 18