2009 vs 2019 featuring Spectrum. Lowkey wanna bring back that neon teal into their design... 🤔

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2010 vs 2019/2020
A decade of drawing, and I still kept my original character!
Both images are animated on my IG! Link in bio.

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Silv counts, right? She started off as a silver dragon over 10 years ago, then she evolved into this... not-quite-dragon? It's an original species, first I called them malicids, but I've decided to rename them songdrakes.

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I have few dragon characters, but I recently started developing story for my dragoness Cobalt (Smonya) She's a young dragness from rich family which is making for a living as an office worker in the dragon capital. She struggles a lot with bill indexing (dyscalculia)

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Last time I'm doing this to throw the best ones in. Thanks for the recent one! Smudger the Mud/Rainwing Hybrid. With his pet frog Jumpy.

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A new boyo I got recently. His name is Qahvedaan and the only thing sharper than his claws is his tongue. Although he is nobility in his clan, he is rather arrogant, and will not hesitate to remind others that he's above them.
(Art by WrappedVi)

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boy oh boy, I've had Ginnir for VERY long now... I made him as a kid so I had my own monster to scare away all the shit that my overactive imagination told me was in the dark corners of my room. He's had many names and many forms but he always remains my muse.

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Star Cereo! sibling of Jag, Star is the leader of their local flight club and regularly organises sport events, though they don’t participate much, preferring to keep to the sidelines. (adopt @/Zyraxus, icon @/FeatherFleeks)

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Here's my girl Philadelphia! She a merchant tryna get some shipping route up cause we love trade

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Here is Keggles, He is a Goofy noodle boi who is just trying to be happy and do goofy stuff that makes me happy. Best Noodle boi

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Thought I'd try this tag again, I'm so bad at missing the streams agsvdhdb

This is my gal Rakia and her snake tail Ebony. She lives in desert ruins, collects gold and other treasures to accessorize with or hoard that she digs up from rivers & sand when exploring!💙

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i think i've worked out a colour scheme i like for this babe
i feel like she looks different every time i draw her

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Was going to do more in the background but I dislike doing them. So have a baby Eclipse enjoying her first snowfall.

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those are my babies uwu I love them

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Wanna see a BABY?

Here's Fox.
Hurt him and I will end your existence.

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I absolutely love going through this hashtag 😆 I have so many dragon OCs and I can't possibly fit them all onto one post

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Drawing in my usual style of Bits!
She's not a dragon, but closely related!

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