"For when you marry in June, you're a bride all your life."

June Bride Challenge: Day 3, when East meets West.

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"For when you marry in June, you're a bride all your life."

June Bride Challenge: Day 1.


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Made some huge fixes+GFX'ed with some effects cause love some of the techniques xD she so beautiful/ethereal now ;A; <3 The flower goddess Zenaku🥰

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Took this image of my lovely Riku and tried to enhance it a bit color/effects-wise hope you guys like it ;A; ❣️

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Thank you to those who rec'd me on JP beautiful(⌒▽⌒)☆

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Hope this fits hahaha, definitely planning more DGF/DBF collages(⌒▽⌒)☆ This was fun and I can finally photoshop again <3 RIP couldn't fit the guys lol so enjoy lots of cute/pretty girlfriends!

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“I told you, we’re going this way~!”

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