The art was made by Nural. She (left) and Sushili (right) were happy. However, her bangs (right) look different.

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Yesterday, Nural added the cover photo. This photo includes three Nural with different hairstyles and costumes. ❤️

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🥤Bizarre creatures (like athach) sometimes emerge from Chenurall Forest. It's believed this is due to magic pools within.

🏔️Varlin Mountains densely populated by bugbears, ogres, & orcs. Dug-in "hill tribes" (dwarves & gnomes) agreed to friendship treaty w/ Thurka 91 years ago.

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A large leporid known for how distinct it looks to modern rabbits, it only inhabited the island its named after

ALT: Its size was caused by what is known as the "island effect" where its isolation on an island with a lack of natural predators led to its growth in size

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Nuralagus rex was a giant rabbit that lived on Minorca until the Pliocene. After Minorca briefly connected with Majorca, Nuralagus is replaced by Myotragus in Pleistocene & Holocene deposits, suggesting the caprine might have outcompeted the leporid.

Art by Ceri Thomas.

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They made big chungus into a real thing, meet nuralagus rex

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There was a giant rabbit ancestor called Nuralgus Rex

But honestly i see you more as one of those tiny lil mammals that lived among the dinosaurs stealing their food and being like “ONE DAY I SHALL RULE THIS >:)”

But they have long ass names this ones purgatorius unio

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Minal Aidzin Wal Faidzin 🙏🙏🙏
Dari saya NurAlifSidoel

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Im between Vurnural and Miron for him right now. what do you think...

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いくつかの痛い失敗を別としても、CES 2019のNuraLoop(ニューラループ)には大いに失望させられた。前回のCESに出展されたヘッドフォンはダミーだった。それで私は、ちょっと傷ついた。オリジナルのNuraphoneは、私の…

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I just found out that today is so I decided to quickly sketch one of the oddest extinct rabbits, the LARGE (50 cm tall, about 15-20 kg) Nuralagus rex, which lived on the island of Menorca 5 to 3 million years ago (Miocene and Pliocene)

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Nuralagus rex, aka BIG CHUNGUS, was a giant rabbit that lived in the island of Minorca in Baleares during the Pliocene.

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Highlights from the eggs and babies
Citipati (with Byronosaurus nest parasite), Nuralagus, Helicoprion and Incisivosaurus.

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Nuralagus rex was an enormous rabbit that lived on the island of Minorca 5 million years ago.

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I owed nammy a spicy nurala but im too vanilla for that so this is the best i got

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