Interesting how Civil War comic Prelude mentioned Nuremberg, this is an explicit parallel btw HYDRA and nazis (since there are people out there denying they are the same...and this comic is linked to the MCU)

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A marquetry of illusionistic polyhedra decorating the Court Casket of Newbattle Abbey, made in Nuremberg in 1565 at the workshop of The Master of Perspective.
(more pics below)

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Based off of a building (small castle?) in Nuremberg, drawn by Dürer in 1519. I had to invent what could be on the other side (another learning assignment, the start of the concept art missions).

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in 1561, as the sun rose over Nuremberg, the residents described seeing an aerial battle take place in its glare — the erratic dance of orbs, crosses, cylinders and a crash-landing beyond the city. An early sighting of alien

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Parlons d'un artiste polyvalent : Albrecht Dürer (21 mai 1471 - 6 avril 1528).

Né à Nuremberg, il excellait dans la peinture, le dessin, la gravure sur bois, l'estampe au burin ou encore à à l'eau-forte.

Pour en savoir plus :

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From the Nuremberg Chronicle, Nuremberg 1493 - a woodcut printed over 500 years ago.

Stunning wonderful colouring

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Stunning Wuerzburg. Würzburg. - "Herbipolis"
in 1493!

General view of the important city in Bavaria, province of Franconia. Woodcut in excellent modern hand coloring. Nuremberg Chronicle ("Weltchronik" (Liber Chronicarum), by Hartmann Schedel.

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🐦 Naturgeschichte der Vögel deutschlands in getreuen Abbildungen und Beschreibungen
Nürnberg [Nuremberg]: J.F. Frauenholz, 1805-[1821]

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Born into a prominent Nuremberg family, Magdalena Rosina Funck was only 20 when completed BLUMENBUCH, an album of 297 of flowers like this "English Narciß."

Browse the album's astounding floral variety:

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Byzantine Constantinople from the Nuremberg Chronicle by Hartmann Schedel (1493)

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"Schilderung der vier Jahreszeiten: der Jugend gewidmet".
Explanation of the four seasons: dedicated to the youth.
Nuremberg, 1785
(Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer)

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The four seasons. Original antique etchings of high quality.

Published as: "Schilderung der vier Jahreszeiten: der Jugend gewidmet".

Explanation of the four seasons: dedicated to the youth.

Nuremberg, 1785

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"a. Albies major Sapin. Tannenbaum"
"b. Albies foliis minoribus. Dielen-baum"
"c. Albies Taxi folio. Tax Tannen"
Published n "Phytanthoza Iconographia"
Nuremberg, 1740

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Love her Nuremberg painting - trial in foreground with product of the accused’s action in background. Plus her women at war. Weird factoid - when she was first admitted as a royal academician she was not allowed to attend the dinners because they were men only?

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Der Specht mit Verguldeten Fluegeln

Picus varius major alis aureis Grand Piverd aux ailes d'or

After Catesby.

Seligmann, Johann Michael (engraver and art dealer in Nuremberg 1720-1762)

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Beautiful Seelmann - Catesby Birds. Here Parrots 🦜

The famous Catesby-birds are of the general area of the Carolinas, Florida and the Caribbean! The plants shown are all from this region. Nuremberg 1770-1773.

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🍃 Recueil de divers oiseaux étrangers et peu communs
A Nuremberg: Chez les Héritiers de Seligmann, 1768-1776.

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🐼 Recueil de divers oiseaux étrangers et peu communs
A Nuremberg: Chez les Héritiers de Seligmann, 1768-1776.

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Look at these wonderful and splendid antique copperplate prints of a beautiful university town in Germany.
1. Homan, Nuremberg, 1723.
2. Matthaeus Merian, Frankfurt on the Main, 1656

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