El b0nuS

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I love him

Credits to Kanagruk Nus for this amazing artworks
(I’m permitted to use)

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Quatre Nus 1950s, oil on masonite

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A la fin de sa vie, Matisse réalise 4 nus bleus, une série parmi tous ses «papiers découpés».Je rêve d’un art d'équilibre,de pureté,de tranquillité,sans sujet inquiétant ou préoccupant disait-il. Rêve qu'il a su créé. Il existe un magnifique album 'Les Nus bleus' en 3 volumes

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Oie, eu faço furries de homens semi-nus mas as vezes também faço coisas bonitinhas, fanarts de pokémon e mulher bonitas que gostariamos de apanhar pra elas

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선배님들이랑 꽃구경🌸
360도는 처음 해봐서 되게 어색한데 수정은 더 못하겠네용ㅋㅋㅋ

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[NU's PIC: 제 1회]

Wow, it's a beautiful flower 🌸


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nus.a kaha nila i-release ang magazine sa
galaxy (& a random silver haired)

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13 18

dressed my babies
Baph, Mars and Nus

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Would you like to shape the future of student politics? 👀 As a NUS Delegate you’ll attend the NUS national conference, deciding on national policies and the direction of the student movement ✊🏽💖

Make a change on a national scale. Apply at https://t.co/yRjLeirJXi

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Set priorities for student campaigning over the next year as a NUS Delegate. Attend national conference, with FREE travel and accommodation, and shape the UAL student’s future 🙌🏿 🌍

Apply now to become a change maker at https://t.co/yRjLeirJXi 📚

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Joseph L. Mankiewicz, né le 11 février 1909...L'Aventure de madame Muir, Ève, L’Affaire Cicéron, La Comtesse aux pieds nus, Soudain l'été dernier, Cléopâtre...

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今夜連れていくマイちゃんことmi-nus*です 見て 可愛い 見て

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Sotheby’s to Follow Sanyu Record with Quartre Nus This Spring in Hong Kong https://t.co/ATjnj7Y57i

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Following the record-breaking price for a work by achieved at Hong Kong in October, another iconic masterpiece by the Chinese émigré Quatre Nus, is set to lead Sotheby’s Modern Art sale in Spring 2020.

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"Drôleries végétales", ou "L'Empire des légumes", 1851 d'Eugène Nus, illustré par Amédée Varin

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