Stop letting tRump pervert our values and destroy our country. OPPOSE HIM.

6 4

This is not normal. This is not OK. This is not America. We are better than this...unless we're not.

34 53

Lady Liberty did NOT come to play with you hoes

25 33

The demagogue dictator wants to destroy America. It is exactly what Hamilton warned us of.

368 426

I know im so late im not in the competition anymore but i still wanted to finish it!

2 36

Finally done. Well with what I could finish anyway

4 35

Ahhhhhhh so close to finishing. but i need like an half an hour to an hour to completely finish it.

1 16

Just a bit more it was difficult to balance my classes and finishing this. Is it due before the 18th or before the 18th ends?

3 35

Banner contest entry complete. (Size is 2560 x 423)
And best of luck to everybody taking part! :D

18 125

Finished the banner! Although I did have to add white space so youtube would take it; hopefully I did it right ~

13 109

I had a twitter and people have been posting their progress I thought I might as well post a bit of my progress More than 50%

2 25