Digimon Adventure: Colon 2020 kept using Omnimon early on for weaker enemies but when fighting ZeedMillenniummon, the strongest and basically a Tarrasque, they let WarGreymon beat him up instead of Omegamon?
What can they even fight for 16 more episodes to top him?

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here is an omnimon, with a darksouls / bloodborne inspiration for the challenge directed by RJ parlmer

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Omnimon Version Bloodborne/ darksoul

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Designed an evil counterpart to Omegamon/omnimon this is Antimon!

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Y'all know VictoryGreymon and ZeedGarurumon?

Y'all know how they don't have an omnimon of their own?

Well how would this do for ya? Meet Omnimon/ Omegamon Alter Z. Ya can blame a certain British boy for his existence.

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"Yeah huh! There's Renamon and Agumon and Omnimon... Wait is Omni-Man also Omnimon?!"

Nicole is probably losing processing power just listening to her. https://t.co/ETpzxktxgF

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Twitter crop is gone? Time to share this again

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Today on the stream I proved my thesis that the Unicorn Gundam is just Boneless Omnimon.

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Omni man

Omni man was based off of omnimon i just thought it would be a cool idea by mixing the two
I used rush and treble for the arms like metalgarurumon and wargreymon

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Finished Omnimon on ~ Thanks so much if you joined the streams!

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Commish for featuring his Shoutmon OC~! His mic is colored based on Omnimon Alter-S to further distinguish him from the regular Shoutmon.

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Congrats on your Raffle win !
Here is your Omegamon! 💕

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hoy toca comentando diseños de digimon con comentaremos los digis que nos dijisteis el otro dia, A LAS 10 DE LA NOCHE HORA ESPAÑITA PENINSULAR

alguien: omnimon mm

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Paildramon and Omnimon are the sweetest fucking designs for Digimon ever.

One has fucking Machine Guns for knees


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