After the stuff with Ruth, Laura's dipping again, and Cass has reached her limit with supportive friend energy. Cass's frustration makes total sense, but she's not doing a good job of communicating her own needs.

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Setting all those feelings aside, there's this wonderful whiplash you get from Woden drawing something as mundane as a handgun in the middle of this operatic story of gods.

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So how did this conversation between David and Ananke go?
Ananke: Your son is a god, and you can have his power, but I need you to cut off his head with this knife.
David: Is there some ritualistic reason it's stone?
Ananke: Yes.

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I've just realized Michael Scott and Baphomet are kindred spirits, and now I have a new Twitter game.

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The story overcomes the reality the longer they're immersed in it, right?

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Cass gets on this tear about Laura's use of her miracles, and the only thing I get from it is that making art is fucking hard when you're under stress. Laura's repeatedly traumatized, and the Cass goes on this thing about her being a middling performer.

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The juxtaposition here's interesting. Cass might be saying "Poor Dio" because he's brain dead, or she might be saying it because he never stopped believing he could help people. I'm not sure how cynical Cass is being at this point.

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Ugh. Do you think Ananke intends for Laura to get sprayed with the blood of her decapitated friends this much?

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Meanwhile, Laura makes a nonviolent decision. This has got to hurt like hell, but she prioritizes caring about Ruth over her own survival. Baby steps back from the brink.

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This is the crux of Laura and Ruth's differences. Deep in her grief, Laura still doesn't want to hurt other people (it's the thing that always keeps her from making worse decisions like when she threatens Woden). Ruth doesn't care about that.

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This whole conversation is incredibly painful. Laura's trying to keep from giving away what's happening while having a serious talk about her relationship with her girlfriend and confronting deep feelings about herself.

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I guess even mechanical owls fly silently.

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I do love the lead up to a hero moment, even if it's clear that it's gonna be a sacrificial victory.

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The Effects of Colonialism: A Play In Three Acts

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This is definitely premature and hilarious.

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Aw, Ruth. You know that phenomenon where some cats get really agitated when other cats give them attention, and they lash out seemingly out of nowhere but they're really just trying to communicate that they want to be left alone? Yeah.

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I know Hazel's talking about her ability to teleport, but I've always wanted to believe the "best at running" line is also her having the tiniest bit of self awareness of her total unreliability in high stakes situations.

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