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Se me olvidaba que tenía esto guardado, fueron los últimos dibujos que termine antes de que se me jodiera la laptop 👍

Una ttona de dudosa procedencia, Sharon se llama, se sabe que es parte de una organización anónima de dudosa moral

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// BBBGLXS2 Spoilers

Okay but can we talk about how . babey . Kaizo looks without his captain’s jacket on? Like underneath that tough exterior, all those bells and whistles—he’s just. a guy . trying his best to fight for his organization and protect those dear to him 🥺😭😭😭

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Happy Birthday Noelle, I drew a party with your friends for you 💕

"I never have the Knights throw me a party on *my* birthday... the favoritism in this organization, honestly..." - a disgruntled maid

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Been a while since you've seen a Megaman OC from me, huh? This is Talon (usually called Tal), a member of Red Alert specializing in close quarters combat. She takes her membership in the organization incredibly seriously.

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La Organización XIII formando una orquesta, cada miembro con un instrumento y Xemnas como director, hecho por Shiro Amano.


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This painting was sold at an art auction. All proceeds went to aid organizations in Ukraine.

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🐶Dig Dog Towns / Character Introduction

Cowra Yori /
" implicit is everything in the world.”
He will do anything for the organization.

He is…

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In lieu of current events I made this sticker design. When my shop launches some of the proceeds will go to either The Trevor Project or another queer/trans support organization!

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Kingdom Hearts Shares New Organization XIII Orchestra Artwork by Shiro Amano - https://t.co/XoZZYDnwlc

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Now that the concerts are over and to help get your minds off Nomura's cryptic message, here's the full artwork of the Organization 13 members playing their instruments!

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¿Cómo organizan ustedes su espacio de trabajo?

Yo sufro mucho por el teclado: si lo pongo a un lado está lejos y la tableta no está centrada, si lo pongo delante, entonces la tableta está lejos... AYUDA-

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If you’re still interested, I shall share my main cast from my yet to be released comic Liar Street, a story about loss, betrayal, gifted kid burnout, and of course a corrupt organization. Reign is the pink haired MC who hides behind a mask of perfect child prodigy, they ain’t ok

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🎉(Party rabbit)🎉
¡¡Creado con el propósito de organizar las fiestas en el mundo monochromatico!!
Su creador (yourLastLuck)

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"hmm..where should I put this plant next.."

looks like mask is trying to do some organization for his plants and he has some stylish outfit for them too! 🐲🌸🌿

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Essa daqui é a Antária, ela é uma negra albina e faz parte do universo de ordem paranormal

Faz parte de uma organização de mulheres marginalizadas chamada Credo Santíssimo que basicamente caça ocultistas e outros que mexem demais com o paranormal

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