Malkorok era un orco del clan Roca Negra que sirvió como El guardaespaldas y asesor principal de Garrosh Grito Infernal durante toda la campaña de Pandaria Además de ser el nuevo líder de Kor'kron. Durante el Asedio de Orgrimmar,Malkorok recibió el poder del Corazón de Y'Shaarj

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Vision of Orgrimmarで私が捕まってた

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Some more 15 minute portraits! Did one in Orgrimmar and several in Stormwind. I’m usually hiding in the Park ;)

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"Having allowed himself to get consumed by the whispers, and giving up his sanity for his loved ones, Shion now wanders Orgrimmar aimlessly. He attacks only when attacked, and vomits up spiders whenever he tries to speak."

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Drew some more in Orgrimmar! Found a cool Zandalari Troll to RP with and sketch. ~20 minutes between posts give or take.

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Today I am the birthday unicorn princess of Orgrimmar 🙈🦄🎉🎊🌟🎂

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I never draw her lol, but I have a warrior! Crysanthemum's youngest sister, she's a hothead, brawler, prior-Orgrimmar grunt, and yeah! I should draw her more xD

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Vixiee is feeling like returning to her roots. If you want to meet the Trade Princess, drop by the Orgrimmar Engineering shop

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This is just a fanart of AlastorGrim's Gravity Falls fanfiction (The Holographic Universe) from Whattpad 👍 ☆

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Is anyone in Orgrimmar safe from , I mean Deathwing's destruction??

Commissions are open! They start at 35$ flat colored, or 50$ shaded (like this one)

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BEST edition to Orgrimmar EVER. There is a pettable dog in the Valley of Honor....more allied races need to just bring their dogs with them and put them around for the Horde to pet. We need our stress relieving therapy Horde dogs.

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"That's no giant spider Thorgrim!" Art: David Wenzel

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lokria is brash and stubborn and thinks with her enormous... heart. her cheeky nickname got her assigned away from orgrimmar for a bit, but it only made her closer to the rest of the horde. her dreams of being a simple orc keep getting dashed, since her sister is a big time hero

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wowdood29: lokria "heckscream" axecrusher is an orgrimmar grunt just learning about her place in the world. her sister sauda is the adventurer, but lokria has tagged along a few times, like when they learned their grandmother is a draenei

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my goblin Texlo saw Zak in orgrimmar

(i also wanted to take this opportunity to draw zak...)

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I ran my Bloodborne inspired reverse monster hunt tonight and it went...really good!! Here are my NPCs!

Clarice Worheathen
Corgrim Cloudstep
and Reverence!

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On the eve of the confrontation at Orgrimmar, Thrall finds a quiet moment for himself, to work away the tension over the inevitable conflict with Sylvanas.

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A discord commission
An orgrimmar elf
and my zanda shaman!

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- Perdeu toda a cidade de Theramore
- Viu morrer todos os amigos e a aprendiz
- Se tornou líder de Dalaran e do Kirin Tor
- Namorou o Aspecto dos Dragões Azuis
- Ajudou a atacar Orgrimmar e derrotou Garrosh
- Viu seu amigo Varian morrer
- Deixou a liderança de Dalaran

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