"It was the courteous thing to do considering the alternative."

(Pic by Julie Wilson)

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"Whitewashed Tomb" Pence is OK with Trump's cruelty but not Pelosi's reciprocal performance art. https://t.co/iaZGxfwTG1

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No human has ever ripped paper this hard before.

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Trump’s Lawyers Humiliate Themselves With Video Of Pelosi Handing Out Pens https://t.co/697Ta9iDoL

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Soon this will all be over and we can move on to the next politically motivated Impeachment

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They impeached a president for partisan gain, and then delay the trial in a desperate, never-ending search for evidence to make the charges stick.

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Nancy Pelosi is more likely get a compromise out of McConnell than he is to win: report https://t.co/PKUmBwG2Jm

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“wow Crazy Nancy..what’s going on?”

Speaker Pelosi, Defacto Leader of USA, is what’s going on:

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Trump begs Nancy Pelosi to spend her time in San Francisco instead of Washington, DC https://t.co/g662WqG8m4

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The are bargaining for fairness in the , but they have no authority over the conduct of the . And where were their concerns for fairness during their lawless show trial in the House?

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