画質 高画質

あけまして blue_pencil-XL-v3.0.0 です

https://t.co/KxrsmyyxoN https://t.co/pBGVMQXxfn

37 134

iPad+Apple Pencilデビューしたにょ〜

6 26


① pencil
② pen
③ watercolor
④ acrylic

0 12

指で描くのって難しいよね…っていうラフと、ちょっと訂正したまた指の2回目のラフ。飛行機でApple Pencilはちょっと出せなかったんよ…

0 9

cozy christmas eve with helena and isuzu..
pencil drawing because i donot have my computer for some time

36 145

Didn't you know? Nearly very single artist are cursed with being unfunny the moment they first touched their pencil and pen with the intent to draw.

0 2

Pokémon pencils I did some time ago. Tried to use the game trainer classes.

7 24

Pokémon pencils I did some time ago. Tried to use the in game trainer classes. https://t.co/UQ39cNR0hE

0 1

絵描こうと思ってたのに、寒さでApple Pencilが死んだので悔しくて無理やり指で描いたわ☝️

0 8

みれくらげさんすいませんApple Pencilが勝手に描いちゃいまして……… https://t.co/UTm9bZTjRs

35 131

art! awalnya lagi nyobain brush pencil warna… tiba2 milih ijo buat kulitnya… skrg jadi gini WKKWKW padahal anatominya ga gitu bagus tp yaudahlah.HAHAH

0 9

ルセラハマったのを折りにApple Pencil買った☀️

0 6

"What if you just stick to a pencil brush and ignore all that hard colouring business."

7 33

iPadとApple pencilを手に入れてしまったので、クリスタで描く作業整えつつ練習がてら瑞希ちゃんを描いた

0 4

Dibujos random en un papel random (26)
Ligero rediseño de- oh dios mio aun no se me ocurre un nombre

0 3

アナログ・デジタル両方でファンアートを描きます。(3枚目はApple Pencilで)

2 11


でもApple Pencilは電池入ってるみたいだし


3 23

rkgk: experimenting with a different sketching pencil 💦

154 864

A free home-made online game set in colored pencil drawings, where you solve mysteries, explore, and collect transformation spells, is now available until December 11!
You can access the game from your cell phone or PC browser and play freely!

21 70