A un seguidor le gusto tanto la tarjeta de Harley que me encargo su propia tarjeta Pokemon <3

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It's Pokémon unboxing Time!!!
Let's open a bunch of Pokémon cards and see what we get ฅ•ω•ฅ

Youtube: https://t.co/Jbmv6vRgNE

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Raboot from the 'Sword & Shield' base set!

Artwork by: Akira Komayama

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Skorupi from the 'Diamond & Pearl' base set!

Artwork by: Kouki Saitou

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It's Pokémon unboxing Time!!!
Let's open a bunch of Pokémon cards and see what we get ฅ•ω•ฅ

Youtube: https://t.co/jLYyr9IFx6

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Houndour from the 'E-Card: Aquapolis' set!

Artwork by: Atsuko Nishida

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Scyther from the 'E-Card: Aquapolis' set!

Artwork by: Hisao Nakamura

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Jigglypuff from the 'XY: Fates Collide' set!

Artwork by: Midori Harada

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Delibird from the 'Diamond & Pearl: Great Encounters' set!

Artwork by: Masakazu Fukuda

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Digital altered .
This is the first attempt to alterate a card and I started from the iconic from the base set.
do you like this work over the masterpiece of ?

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Giovanni's Nidoking from 'Gym Challenge' set!

Artwork by: Ken Sugimori

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Roselia from the 'Diamond & Pearl' base set!

Artwork by: Ken Sugimori

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Bonsly from the 'Diamond & Pearl' base set!

Artwork by: Midori Harada

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Bonsly from the 'Diamond & Pearl' base set!

Artwork by: Midori Harada

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I know my jokes are funny😌... Can't see you all in my standup so, cheer me up with "😂😂"👈🏻 this emoji😌...

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Spritzee from the 'XY: BREAKthrough' set!

Artwork by: Naoyo Kimura

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Magikarp from the 'E-Card: Skyridge' set!

Artwork by: Keiko Fukuyama

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