画質 高画質

New painting by Tania Rivilis
Fleeting Haze of Havana
70 x 50 cm oil on wood

More information about this and other available paintings by Tania Rivilis in our gallery. Watch our website.


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Menywod ochr Mami ❤️ Gran & Anti Mary (fy hen famgu), Anti Ann (Siwmper melyn) Aunty Beryl

The women from my Mother’s side. Gran & Aunty Mary (my great grandmother) Aunty Ann (yellow jumper) & Aunty Beryl.

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A quick self-portrait that I painted in the mirror a couple of days ago, for my birthday (a 2.5 -hr Oil sketch, 24 x 18 in).

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Rebelle oil painting by Elena Arboleda Salas. Beautiful work with colors!

Check out more of her work: https://t.co/u1We640hKr

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油彩 キャンバス F6号

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_Think upon_

“The purpose of a storyteller is not to tell you how to think, but to give you questions to think upon.”

-Brandon Sanderson


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A lot of you really loved the Puss in Boots art I made, so to follow up (and due to demand on my tiktok page), I drew Death!

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