i need a propper ref for mine haha
he'd probably want to be friends and cuddle and share secret pictures of the demon bros taken without them knowing-

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hello, would send this in private message if i could, just wanted to let you know an insta user is posting your art without adding propper credits. tho then again dont think its right of them to repost artists work without permission. i can give link to acc if asked, but in dm

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Almost a little late for this one, but heres the propper 34K bust!
Thanks for watching!

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Here's the final result! Thanks for all the love the wip received yesterday, guys. Finally got to draw a propper Quentin!

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Printing again with propper supports ;)

This will end up at Thingiverse! I will share a link soon.

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I also got to update her sheet slightly, propper name and such!

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If girlfriend wants an orcish city full of tents ... well, who am I to reject her wish? :D So I abandoned my current project to make my first propper rpg map! And I really like it! I drew like 10000 tents and smal bonfires but thats ok! What we do for love! xD

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finally did a propper drawing for my trainer sona !

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Stickers done for as a gift for
They are working out to be stwonk uwu

(guess who is unable to make propper sheet for stickers :,) )
(and find time for art AND school)

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thats not lady like. you need to look like this! PROPPER LADYS DONT HAVE EMOTIONS OR MOVE OR THINK OR SPEAK UNLESS SPOKEN TO!!!

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Got me a snake, an iguana, a frog(I still need to propperly finish her) and my main sona, an american alligator! World needs more scaley babies.

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At last! At last i get the chance to make propper pokemon fanart since eons!
I’m too oldschool so i’ll be drawing first gen pokemons 😅

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Finished colorations, one of Harleens therapy session with the Joker, hope you enjoy. Btw, do they have a ship name? So I can tag it propperly :)

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It's been a LONG time since I've drawn a propper pinup, and I know y'all have been waitin!
Just so happened that was wishing for pinups of his characters.

A perfect excuse to draw his Tentwenty again in prolly my most pinup-y pinup yet.

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Unfinished sketch of a 2 character fusion of
socket and pivot (zedrin)
BTW how do i center a vertical piece propperly without croping it 🤣

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nutjob chaotic good warrior has propper colours now oh dear Someone put me in their D&D game He thicc

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here's a commission i got to draw of my baby aica,,, ehhehehe !!!!!!!!!! also im working on her propper release!!!!

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I'm not gonna be able to draw propperly for a little bit but i thought i would whip this up because i've been thinking about it all day, his name is Void, he's a Deeply irradiated man covered in a special flexible glass who has taken up a career in bank robery.

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