Our journey through the Psalms continues THIS SUNDAY across all our sites! Oakville will be hearing from our very own and Regional Sites will dive into Psalm 89 with 🙌🙌

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I want God to break my enemy's teeth!
I think God is asleep on the job!
I would be happy to kill my enemy's kids!
I am a stranger in my own family!
I am such a sinner!
I am blameless!
I am forgotten!

All in a day's reading of the Psalms.

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Luke 24:44 - Now He said to them, "These are My words which I spoke to you while I was still with you, that all things which are written about Me in the Law of Moses and the Prophets and the Psalms must be fulfilled."

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Sunday Psalms To My Savior Jerry Garcia

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初めて観ました。全50話。ボーイミーツガールと成長の物語でした。何より素晴らしいのは、ラストのエウレカが全話の中で一番可愛いことで、それはホランドも、ドミニクも、アネモネも、みんながそう。全員が成長している。最終話がキスで終わるところ、大好きです。/Psalms of Planets Eureka seveN

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Our New Year's series is kicking off THIS SUNDAY! Join us in Oakville for Honest to God: Learning to Pray from the Psalms. Together, we'll focus on developing a naked and unashamed relationship with the Creator of the universe.

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From "The book of psalms", 1912
Frank C Pape

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Not the way I expected next season to look for but it doesn’t even matter what team he plays for. His fans follow him wherever he goes. Already know I’m an fan now!! 🦅

And low key the jerseys are 🔥.

I trust in God, so why should I be afraid?
-Psalms 56:4

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Your daily dose of culture courtesy of Dante's Inferno (1911) - "On the wicked he will rain coals of fire and brimstone; a scorching wind shall be the portion of their cup." - Psalms 11:6 https://t.co/XHJCpSihS5

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Time ounce again to for
todays episode is brought to you by :Psalms 13
“I trust in your unfailing love ;my heart rejoices in your salvation. i will sing the lord’s praise for he has been good to me.”

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“Water symbolizes Gods Word in many places throughout the Bible. In both Psalms and Ephesians water is a symbols of God's word. Ephesians 5:26 to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word. In Isaiah the water is a simile for the knowledge of God”

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When he saw that the platypus took on the same role in the animal world as a similar animal back in England, Darwin wrote of his denial of a single creator. We are reminded in the Psalms that everything is created for God's purposes. Even the platypus declares the glory of God!

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The righteous person may have many troubles but the Lord delivers him from them all.
Psalms 34:19

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"As the Phyrexian contagion corroded Karn's body, the praetors whispered psalms to corrupt his mind."

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Las pruebas te fortalecen/Tests strengthen you. Psalms 147:3

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