currently being followed around by these weird bird things... could smell them a mile away and if they get any closer I'm gonna punt one into orbit ...sorta love them though.. do they make good pets?

0 9

El parc de l'Aqüeducte, el i tot ja estan a punt per a la seva Festa Major! Amb concerts, cinema, teatre, exhibicions, activitats infantils...

🎊 El tret de sortida és avui! Consulteu el programa a

0 0

Niet ik die 5x mijn digid gebruikersnaam verkeerd invult, en dan op het punt sta een nieuwe aan te vragen, waar er vervolgens dan staat dat "de gebruikersnaam al in gebruik is". Vervolgens ontdek ik dat het fucking HOOFDLETTERGEVOELIG is

0 2

i love swapollo's stupid shoes. you could punt someone with these

3 184

I WANT A YANG PLUSHY PLS MAKE YANG PLUSH REAL AWAWAWA sometime swhen i draw him he just looks os cute and goofy i wanna punt him and hug him and smooch him yang is the cutest oc i've ever made pls make Yang plush real pls

2 12

This little lad weighs 14 pounds. I wanted to punt it like a football but I doubt hes going anywhere.

0 2

Would you punt Akagi-chan for $1 billion dollars?

0 6

Would you punt this weird octopus into a lake

1 61

It's that time again - when I punt kick Dot (and Naemon) art into your TL because , , & are awesome. I will share the fuck out of your art/fave ESO artists. I will RT until my fingers are worn down to nubs.

3 42

I'd like to see you try to punt this heckin chonker

0 1

// toh spoilers

he so cute i wanna punt him across the room

2 5

forgot i had this posted
we're starting off with an all time favourite
you know who it is!!!
Jon!! (+ Oh and yeah, Juan too, wish i could punt them to space /pos)

0 1

I've been enjoying Chaosgate quite a bit. Have a chibi Vakir. Punt her or hug her. That's up to you. 030

2 9

🔶 AMPHIBIA (3a temp. Final)
Vista: 19/5
Punt: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Vi la tercera temporada en dos partes y por fin llegué al final. Un final lleno de aventuras, misterios, muy emotivo y con un epílogo de los que siempre nos gusta ver cuando una serie acaba. ¡Qué gran viaje!

0 0

"I could punt you so far right now""I'd like to see you try~"
I think these two will get along juuust fiiiine.

0 1

Don't know who this guy is beyond gravity manipulation abilities but I want to punt them like a football

6 17

How easy do u think it would be to punt the fucker

0 3