[RedactedASMR] oh ye, joined the Gavin train in WW - thought to share it

10 102

finished lining, my brain wants me to play video games so heres you a little gavin treat before i close sai for the night

6 69

There was a Gavin fanart train on discord and who am I to refuse our favorite incubus~

7 141

i really wanted to doodle gavin being pretty tbh
here you go

11 151

Vega is an asshole, but he's hot, so-

1 37

Did I draw that scene from silence of the lamb with Vega and Warden? Yes, yes I did

5 40

[RedactedASMR] what if I gave them each a pokemon?

8 93

Warm-up of Lasky!
off to the commission grind I go

8 146

Here’s a piece I did for a fic by Domini_moonbeam.
Ash and Davey helping Darlin’ through a nightmare? Chefs kiss


3 33

lil sketch for as revenge and to feed her Huxley obsession

10 125

another day another sketchsheet commission!
This one for the lovely Ejunkiet on tumblr, who wanted their Baaabe and my Asher!

4 115

Some memes bc I needed to make my own entertainment

3 87

I had a vampire OC named Vincent from 2019 and the only real difference between him and is that mine could stand in the sun

3 28

Some Elliots! and a bonus Sunshine

11 122