Pierre-Joseph Redouté - ROSA HUDSONIANA SALICIFOLIA, est. 50,000 - 70,000 USD January 2017

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Pierre-Joseph Redouté's detailed watercolors of flowers brings spring to you, year round! https://t.co/elk5WQhIa2

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Cochise «Chêne»
1810 - 1874 Arizona
Apache le plus redouté de l’Ouest

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"Plantarum historia succulentarum" contains by Redouté, the "Raphael of Flowers" https://t.co/2Ii0Bu8dNC

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Colección Les Liliacées de Redouté en el Real Jardín Botánico de ►https://t.co/4OrGETZVRG

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Colección Les Liliacées de Redouté en el Real Jardín Botánico de ►https://t.co/KXKBx0C4ZA

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Choix des plus belles fleurs : et des plus beaux fruits /par P.J. Redouté

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Pierre-Joseph Redouté was born in 1759. This painting was made on a graphite grid, a compass was used too!

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ピエール=ジョゼフ・ルドゥーテ (Pierre-Joseph Redouté)ベルギーの画家、植物学者。ナポレオン1世の皇后ジョゼフィーヌにバラ園の出入りを許されマルメゾン城のバラや他の植物の絵を描く。浪費癖が激しい生活破綻者だった。

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Monsieur Pierre-Joseph Redouté's study of a Hyacinth has been chosen as Mr Etty's picture for today.

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