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Goodnight Twitter!
The best thing from the Ric Grayson era of Nightwing was Hutch. I liked him, I hope he comes back as a new vigilante for Blüdhaven (Flamebird???)
This right here is Goro Shigeno, nicknamed greatest to ever do it, Has gotten praised from the likes of Babe Ruth and Ric Flair.
"To Be The Man, You Gotta Beat THE MAN!" -Ric Flair says this line was never about him but a homage to Goro Shigeno. https://t.co/JXcm5lcY9n
Ric_RUT(@RicRUT3) #るーブル美術館
あむにこ(@XxamunicoxX) #絵むにこ
夏焼 碧(@aoi_natsuyaki25) #碧いキャンパス
はたえじきる。(@hatae_zikiru) #じきふぁみ
夏焼 碧(@aoi_natsuyaki25)
Pels que aneu de càmping amb les criatures a l'estiu, on som feliços amb tan poques coses materials, és una gran ocasió per demostrar-los que "No és més ric qui més té, sinó qui menys necessita". (Recordeu l'últim conte de Un cistell de cireres).
@llibresjoves @AlbertArrayas
Time to add ‘last match‘ Ric Flair to my other 3 custom one off buddy’s😎🔥💙
2022.8/31 22:00
コラボCover作品 LAST
【 Ric @ric_9n 】
♪ ♪ 明日 21時 曲名発表します♪♪
@LewdChuu_INC Ric = Me
I am Ric :0
I draw but rarely-
though I really should do it more-
@LewdMaya :0
@samsonet3 Ric (and Tabby) were new mutants for like 30 issues, they lived in the mansion and Cable was their "teacher". 'Star is pretty much X-force
@OneMeatball @Duael_Eth @bokar_n @StableDiffusion @proximasan @KyrickYoung For Disco Diffusion, we check with Midjourney outputs (make use of the "real" CLIP).
When artist isn't recognized, it will use typical Midjourney style, which we've gotten very good at spotting.
Below: "Artwork by Moyoco Anno, Claude Lefebvre, Ric Nagualero, Lydia Goldblatt"
ALL-NEW! We talk Ric Flair's (hopefully) Last Match, his best matches, and matches we wish he would have had!
Listen free on iTunes or get the extended version at https://t.co/coz9FGISI1
@PuttyCAD @StrangeBrigade @Rebellion Great game ain't it Ric! 🕹️
One I frequently revisit too! 👍
継続特典イラスト|Ric.|pixivFANBOX https://t.co/uEzDbvlbmz
By popular demand, the next art card in my 80s/90s Wrestling Superstar series is the man himself Nature Boy Ric Flair @RicFlairNatrBoy and its my sincere hope that you can hear this image.