Hello, I'm Pyro and I play a variety of games but I have a heavy focus on rpgs and roguelikes. My link can be found in my bio, and thank you all for being here.

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Heyo I am Bpudgy THE Headset Gamer a cat boy Vtuber with a passion for gaming~ I play RPG's , JRPG's, Roguelikes and games some may not have heard of and i stream them on twitch~ Pleasure to meet you~

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I'm Eira! A Welsh vampire that's extremely new to this but is having a great time already. Horror games and Roguelikes so far but I have a diverse taste in games and love just hanging out

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If every person who designed games had that kind of attitude, genres wouldn't learn from each other, take ideas from one another and become better for it.

We wouldn't have modern takes on Doom, we wouldn't have new spins on roguelikes, and RPGs would be stuck on menu systems.

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This reminds me a lot of "define RPG!" and the general drama at RPG Codex & NMA in the 00s…

But that had the added insult of seeing your favorite series die or be turned into console RPGs. Fans were furious! Roguelikes are safe from that, no one turned ADOM into an Xbox FPS :P https://t.co/o8kdtA8wZ9

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Hi LGBTuberOTD! I'm Shun Dabun, an NBunny LGBT v-tuber out here to go on adventures together! 💖 I play a lot of 2D adventure games and roguelikes (but not exclusively) 2-3 times a week.

You can find me over at https://t.co/ddldGct39K and I'll be playin more Hollow Knight Monday

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Hoy hoyyy, Beatrix Bunny the taxidermied jackalope here! I'm a trans femme NB (she/they) asexual who streams roguelikes, singing, tabletop games, digital art, and a whole lot more!

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Hoy hoyyy I'm Beatrix Bunny, a taxidermied jackalope that also happens to be an NB Transwoman and Panromantic Asexual! I'm a variety stream that does digital illustration, rpgs, roguelikes, tabletop, singing, and plenty more!

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Time for yet another delve into the backlog. This time, with all roguelikes!

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day ?? That's me!! :0 my name is Locke, I use they/them pronouns, and I'm a werewolf EN VTuber~ I stream a variety of things but I really enjoy playing roguelikes and ttrpgs!

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It's been a while since I've done one of these.

I'm Rosalynn, a thirsty, clumsy vampire.

I spend a lot of time playing horror games and roguelikes on Twitch, and I've recently started reading old dark fairy tales and horror stories as well. I do bite, but not hard, I promise.

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Hoy hoyyy, Beatrix Bunny the taxidermied jackalope here~ I stream variety games, roguelikes, tabletop rpgs, and art.

I've had to take a few weeks off for computer repairs, but my PC will be fixed by this weekend so things will start again real soon!

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I kinda forgot that twitter is terrible for vertical images so here's a proper breakdown of these hopefully a little bigger and easier to view:

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Hey, My name is Hoshi "Hay" Kusa, I am a scarecrow that stands around in a field all day trying to kill birds. I mostly stream Roguelikes and fps games.

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Hey, My name is Hoshi "Hay" Kusa, I am a scarecrow that stands around in a field all day trying to kill birds. I mostly stream Roguelikes and fps games.

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me getting home to play my fucking open world survival crafting early access games and deck building roguelikes

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I am Snowfield, a 2nd generation vietnamese-american (former) ninja. I currently work in a medical clinic that provides cybernetics for our patients.

I love a good fight and mostly stream things that get my blood going like fighting games, roguelikes and so on. Nice to meet you!

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Zagreus and Lernie from Hades!

Hey thanks for making me enjoy roguelikes.

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hello yes i am AZA, i'm a robot that streams a lot of art, roguelikes, mahjong, and sometimes other games

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hey mum, it's AZA. you know me but i don't think your followers know me.

i'm a robot who does art, roguelikes, and mahjong. sup.


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