Stunning large-scale floral oil pastel studies created by members of High School art class in response to the paintings of Georgia O’Keeffe. Beautiful work, well done done boys!

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Some bold and striking oil pastel drawings inspired by the work of artist Derek DeYoung created by Grade 7 artists, well done boys! 🐠🐟🐡

1 8 - A blog post explaining the process of my G7 student eyes and posters. Their work still amazes me!

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Well Done to my Nationals class for all their hard work to try and finish off final pieces. Here’s a peek at some of the ones that are finished. Fantastic 👏 We are

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Fantastic bold and original acrylic landscape painting by Grade 6, well done!

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Fine Art student, Molly Garvin created this transformation drawing, Haunted Car. Wow!

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Some wonderful Fuji inspired monochromatic atmospheric landscape paintings created by Grade 6 students, well done boys!

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Had to wait FOREVER for this project, but at least when I got it I was like 😯

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Year 8 trying to capture the sensation of sound in a visual way: Sound waves, vibrations, resonance. Think they did a pretty good job.

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Grade 7 made a fantastic start to their printmaking unit, wonderful combinations of colours and textures. Well done boys!

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Schoolart Kei finish :}

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Wonderful to see Grade 7 students stepping out of their comfort zones to create experimental compositions using continuous line drawing techniques

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So unbelievably amazing. This diligent art student of mine takes me to a happy place, where students work hard and care about doing their best. I am so 🙇🏻‍♀️

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I am stunned by my grade 7 ss pastel animal eyes. Now they are researching animal rights/issues and creating amazing posters with and I’ll share those very soon.

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Stunning developmental art by grade 8 students. Exploring composition, mark making & learning to see. Looking forward you seeing their final pieces.

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